The Methodology of the Marvellous

The present work reflects the ecstatic fertility of Nature - uninterested in our anthropocentric concerns and ideas -; a timeless cycle of re-birth, of otherworldly, fertile primordial chaos, all in gorgeous jewel-like hues. 
These natural or “land/seascape” paintings, reminiscent of Attenborough’s early 1980s nature documentaries, where young earth is depicted as vividly colourful, are alive and filled to the brim. This nature is not "devided from" but encompasses the strange manifestation that is the human animal, going beyond earthly bouderies, beyond time, human perception and understanding. 
The “singing children” paintings are antromorphic embodiments of this seemingly blind, forever young nature in its constant regeneration and transformation, flowing with life, beauty and destruction, an unstoppable effervescence of chaos, order and resilience.